Joining them are local powerhouse band Spirit of the Stairs.  Formed in 2003, Spirit of the Stairs is celebrating its tenth year with their newest release Tronan vs. the Spidernauts.  An epic tale of one bro form Brotannica and his epic space battle against the Spidernauts and their deadly use of the Vaporazorocketlazor.  Coupled with the audio experience that is Tronan vs. the Spidernauts, Ian Blume has produced an all encompassing visual experience that matches seamlessly to the soundtrack but provides a wholly different experience than the music itself would presume.  

Says Ian Blume "We have created the first (as far as we know) instrumental rock opera silent film."  And the few screenings that have occurred enveloped audiences in an unexpected and wild journey through Tronans exploits to the destructive finale witnessing total annihilation of the Bro's Under the Sea Dance, all for one purpose.

Spirit of the Stairs are an instrumental band with 2 drummers, 2 guitar players and one bass player that has grown into a dynamic rock monster tapping into raw emotion and releasing pure power.


JoyCut video

A very special thanks to Jovana Johnson, the Catering Sales Manager at the Best Western Airport Inn, for arranging complimentary rooms for the band.